Author Topic: Files Source S6 Upgrade pyke UP30  (Read 12685 times)

Matias on: July 06, 2023, 01:37:25 AM

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Source base xteam-muemu S6 upgrade pyke UP30

Code: [Select]
- Add PartySearch+Password
- Add Stats Add Panel
- Add Reset Stats+Master Reset
- Add JewelBank
- Fix Antiflood System
- Add Achievements System
- Add Quest System Window
- Fix Dupe Chaos Machine
- Add EventTimer v2
- Add CustomArcher
- Add PK System
- Add Premium Drop
- Add Effect Move
- Add ShopPointEx
- Add Zen Drop
- Add MasterExp in ExpierenceTable.txt
- Add Ranking v2
- Add FruitSystem
- Add PersonalShopSearch
- Fix Weather Effect
- Fix Accept Guild Assistant can accept request
- Add Disable Skill
- Add Skill Damage
- Fix Town Portal
- Fix Elf Buffer "You are already blessed"
- Fix Combo Push Effect
- Fix Fix ViewPort GuildUnion and Taget Guild Union
- Switch On/Off PvP in Raklion Event Boss Map (GameServerInfo - Event.dat)
- Add Enable/Disable PVP in GM Status (GameServerInfo - Common.dat)
- Add Command Set PK
- Add SelfDefenseTime PK
- Add ItemDropPickUpTime (GameServerInfo - Common.dat)
- Add Command Set Level Player
- Fix Buff Skill in Event Maps Blood Castle, Illusion Temple
- Fix Message Global Event Kanturu
- Fix GM Wing on Blood castle
- Fix trade request when dying
- Fix move when is stuned
- Fix Switch character when dying
- Switch On/Off Remove Battle Zone (Move System) (MainInfo.ini)
- Add Start Gate in DefaultClassInfo.txt
- Add Change Class
- Add Party Set Leader
- Add Party Trace Player
- Add Bot Alchemist
- Add Bot Trader
- Add GuardMessage (GameServerInfo - Common.dat)
- Add Delete Dupe Item (GameServerInfo - Common.dat)
- Add Disconect Dupe Item (GameServerInfo - Common.dat)
- Add CRC Check GameServer side (GameServerInfo - Common.dat)
- Add MAX_HWID Connection (GameServerInfo - Common.dat)
- Add GensSystem Exit Time (GameServerInfo - Common.dat)
- Add GensSystem Self Gens Damage (GameServerInfo - Common.dat)
- Add PKSystem, OffTrade, Reset, MasterExp Enable in MapManager.txt
- Add Reset System NPC
- Add MonsterDamageRate (GameServerInfo - Common.dat)
- Add MonsterDefenseRate (GameServerInfo - Common.dat)
- Add ElfBufferTime (GameServerInfo - Common.dat)
- Add PartyDivideZen (GameServerInfo - Common.dat)
- Add CreateCoinWhenZenIsMax (GameServerInfo - Common.dat)
- Add PotionDelay (GameServerInfo - Common.dat)
- Add ElfBufferEnableQuest (GameServerInfo - Common.dat)
- Add Custom Warehouse Interface (GameServerInfo - Custom.dat)
- Fix Show Ping
- Add NewHealthBar Player/Monster/Guild/Party
- Add MonsterHealthBar Color (MainInfo.ini)
- New 3D Camera with better view
- Default Camera range view when enter character (MainInfo.ini)
- Add Settings Interface
- Add New Menu Interface
- DisableBCDSCCMaster (MainInfo.ini)
- Disable380MixChaosMachine (MainInfo.ini)
- DisableWCoinCCashShop (MainInfo.ini)
- DisableWCoinPCashShop (MainInfo.ini)
- DisableWCoinGCashShop (MainInfo.ini)
- Unicode (MainInfo.ini)
- MiniMapHover (MainInfo.ini)
- ChangeMGLevel (MainInfo.ini)
- CustomSelectServerX700 (MainInfo.ini)
- Fix UI Buttons Menu, Camera, Camera Reset
- Fix Party Buffs
- Fix Santa Village
- Fix Vulcanus Map visible range
- Add Monsters show to Minimap
- Fix Equip CustomPet (It was not displayed when equipping it on another screen.)
- Fix Monster/Player Healtbar Switch ON/OFF (GameServerInfo - Common.dat)
- Add Swamp Event
- Add Sky Event
- Add Happy Hours Event
- Fix Ram GameServer, GameServerCS
- Add CustomEarthQuake
- Fix Zyro Quest
- Fix PartySearch Password
- Fix button close Buy Vip
- Add PacketCheckTime
- Fix Command Set PK
- Fix Command Set Level
- Fix Flying Dragons
- Fix UI buggs
- Show NamePlayer+Guild Mark (MainInfo.ini)
- Fix Summon Party closes the CS Gate
- Global Message Expanded
- Fix Error evolution skin model
- Add Show Master Level in Character Panel (MainInfo.ini)
- Add Show Reset in Character Panel (MainInfo.ini)
- Added Smithy BETA 1
- Fixed Party Trace/Leader Buttons
- Fixed Smithy BETA 1 (HOT FIX)
- Added to Smithy MaxExcOptions
- Fixed Smithy BETA 1 dont delete coins
- Fixed Smithy delete coins refresh
- Add NPC to Smithy (FINAL VERSION)
- Add Teleport Panel BETA 1
- Fixed RIGHT+CLICK Move Items
- Fixed RespawnLocation
- Add Buffer System NPC
- Add Map Teleport System (M key Move)
- Add Teleport System NPC
- Add PK Clear NPC
- Fixed buttons PartyTrace in all Interface Custom
- Deleted Old Menu (Not need)
- Add New CustomStartItem.xml
- Add Grand Reset System NPC
- Add Lucky Wheel
- Add FakeBot System
- Fixed Teleport Panel NPC (New Custom Maps)
- Added Command /addbuff /delbuff
- Fixed DL Summon Party Skill (PK)
- Add PK Disable Shop
- Add PK Disable Trade
- Fixed GrandReset Achievements
- Added MasterSkillTreeCharacterLevel
- Added MasterSkillTreeCharacterReset
- Added MasterSkillTreeCharacterGrandReset
- Updated ResetTable for GrandReset
- Added to InvasionManager Alert Time
- Fixed Select Character S13
- Add Press Middle Mouse button to add stats quickly
- Updated ChangeClass Inventory Check and GrandResetSystem Points back
- Updated ShopPoint to Ruud price and ImperialGuardian Deleted price for 2ndStage (BUGG)
- Fixed Smithy MaxLevel, MaxExc
- Fixed Buy Item from Smithy [Achievements]
- Dialog Box Moves
- Fixed MapTeleport
- Fixed MapTeleport cant move with no wings Icarus and minor fixes
- FIxed TeleportPanel cant move with no wings Icarus and minor fixes
- Updated CustomNPCmove to Item need
- Fixed EXP Bar
- Fixed ResetStats Visual Bug
- Fixed ResetSystem Calculation formula
- Fixed manual left click mouse move to Warehouse
- Updated new HealthBar Level, HP Monster and change color font for Monsters
- Added Option Panel with change Resolution, Font and Disabled Options
- Updated New Font
- Fixed TimeBar
- Added To MainInfo Cinematic HD Resolution SelectServer/Character
- Fixed MapTeleport, need Wings to move Icarus
- Updated JewelBank (Need restore new Database to use)
- Fixed Ruud Shop
- Fixed PartySearch cant make Party without Password, now fixed
- Updated and Fixed UserPanel
- Updated HealthBar positions
- Updated Ranking positions
- Added MuunPet Inventory + MuunSupport FULL
- Updated FakeBotSystem FULL Options
- Added On/Off Custom Quest Window Info in Settings
- Fixed Level Up after 3rd Quest
- Back to the lua Font and Disabled Option Panel due to repair
- Fixed PersonalShopSearch buy in other maps
- Added Castle Siege Mini (CTCMini)
- Added Item Market
- Added Monster Quest
- Added Pandora Box Event
- TimeBar good positions
- Added CTC Mini missed files
- Added BattleRoyale Event
- Added BattleSurvivor Event
- Added Custom Jewel Upgrade
- Add BotStore
- Add Emoji System
- Fix FakeBotSystem
- Fix Summon DL
- Add New Menu
- Fix BattleRoyale
- Fix CTC Mini
- Fix BattleSurvivor
- Fixed MonsterQuest (Run Query from Server/Database)
- Fixed 100% Item Market
- Fixed Item Market Dupe Item
- Fixed Item Market Recieve Money
- Fixed Mount options
- Added Mount Transform
- Added to Settings HPPlayerBar on/off and in Settings.ini HPPlayerBar = 0
- Fixed blue points before Nickname (Emoji problem)
- Added Message Box Error for missed textures
- Fixed Visual Bugg in G key Guild
- PartySearch + Password deleted and changed to original PartySearch
- Deleted PartyTrace, Party Leader
- Fixed 100% dupe Item Market
- ItemPost Switch on/off and flood [GameServer - Custom.dat]
- MuunSystem on/off [GameServer - Custom.dat], [DataServer.ini], [MainInfo.ini]
- Added CustomNPCItems.txt MAIN_INFO/Custom
- Fully fixed Item Market dupe, buggs
- Fixed Teleport + Skills
- Max Monsters increased to 14000
- Kill Reward zen (when player kill another player, than reward hes zen %) [GameServer - Common.dat]
- Fix SaveScreen crash on big resolutions
- Fix CPU usage Main.exe
- Add Price Type to Smithy Shop
- Fix ResetSystem, GrandResetSystem Visual bugg name item without luck

estos archivos fue liberado para todos los amantes del mu así que espero que lo disfruten.



Crédito: webzen

thenokexd #1 on: July 07, 2023, 12:09:49 PM

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reddohantayt #2 on: July 29, 2023, 04:36:41 AM

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Muchas gracias, ahora a crear mi mu :D

Serverst #3 on: August 22, 2023, 10:31:46 AM

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